Dive into a collection of articles that amplify neurodivergent voices, support a more thorough understanding of neurodiversity, and challenge common misconceptions.

A rollercoaster: neurodivergent and in the media
Nick Ransom Nick Ransom

A rollercoaster: neurodivergent and in the media

I only heard the term ‘neurodiversity’ a few years back, but in reality, it’s dominated my whole life. Subconsciously, for years, I thought different, I felt different and, in 2017, being diagnosed as autistic changed my life for the better.

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How authentic is neurodivergent media representation?
Iqra Babar Iqra Babar

How authentic is neurodivergent media representation?

Neurodivergent representation in media is something that has often been historically misrepresented. There is however, an abundance of characters that can be described as ‘neurodivergent coded’; characters that are given ND (neurodivergent) traits and characteristics but are never confirmed by the writers as being ND, which leads to their characterisation feeling tokenised, or that the traits that we experience are seen as something ‘trendy’.

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