Autism in Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities: A Report on the First Autism Voice UK Symposium


Kandeh, Kandeh, Martin and Krupa (2018)

This report is the summary of a Symposium on Autism in the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities in the UK in 2018. Organised by Autism Voice UK, Participatory Autism Research Collective and the Critical Autism and Disabilities Studies Research Group at London South Bank University. The aims of the Symposium were to explore and highlight different perspectives about Autism in the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities and to preserve the cultural dignity of the community in supporting Autistic members. Thematic analysis of the feedback from those who attended the Symposium suggested that cultural, ethnic and religious sensitivities were important and were often ignored by professionals outside of the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities. The feedback prioritised the need for improved Autism awareness within the communities and understanding of intersectionality between Autism and racial and cultural identity by professionals. Lastly issues around stigma were common but not well understood outside of their communities. Following the feedback an action plan was created which highlighted improving access to information for parents, raising public awareness of Autism through community engagement and culturally aware Autism education for professionals.

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