Addressing the Autism Mental Health Crisis: The Potential of Phenomenology in Neurodiversity-Affirming Clinical Practices


Pantazakos and Vanaken (2023)

The neurodiversity paradigm and the Autism clinic remain largely unconnected. This research suggests a phenomenology foundation for developing neurodiversity-affirming clinical interventions for Autism. They start by highlighting the severe mental health crisis faced by Autistic people. The researchers argue that focusing on reducing Autistic ‘symptoms’ are unlikely to solve the problem. Noting that Autistic mental health is positively correlated with autism acceptance. As such development of neurodiversity-affirming clinical interventions is key for addressing the mental health crisis. However, therapists and researchers are faced with two challenges. First the lack of concrete methodological practices. Second finding ways to acknowledge calls to respect the autistic self, whilst also challenging beliefs and behaviours relevant to the therapy regardless of neurotype. In the second part of the paper, the authors introduce phenomenological psychology as a potential resource for engaging with these challenges.

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