Neurodivergent friendly recruitment

Recruitment and employment processes can be baffling, and often seem to test social skills and ‘culture fit’ rather than competence to fulfil the role and ‘culture add’. We are excited to try a new way of recruiting and a new way of working. We hope that this new approach will be more accessible to neurodivergent people and enable people to showcase their skills.

We’re scrapping interviews and replacing them with application forms and tasks relevant to the role.

We hope that this will be a fairer way for people to consider and answer our questions and demonstrate what they can do. A process that doesn’t require masking, and that supports equity and inclusion.

Traditional job roles contain lots of different skill requirements. We know that different people have different skills and interests, so we’ve broken the roles down so people can pick and choose based on what they’re interested in and what they’re good at.

We are making ‘role carving’ the norm in our organisation. People can choose to apply for some parts or all of the job.

Administrative roles often don’t have autonomy and flexibility, but we know that it can make a big difference for people to be able to choose when they work. It helps to be able to fit work around other commitments and times in the day or week when they have most ‘spoons’.

We’re offering as much flexibility as we can in the role(s). We don’t have fixed hours but ask for a minimum number of hours each week. We will set deadlines for each bit of work.

We hope that this will mean that people can work at a time and in a way that suits them, and will mean that our team deliver the best they can.

As a new organisation, people of colour are currently underrepresented. We’re committed to inclusion, equality and diversity, and are particularly keen to receive applications from people of colour. We are working to ensure our advert reaches a diverse audience.

We are new and developing all the time. These jobs are offered on a 6-month contract, or as freelance roles so we can review and see if they’re working well for you and for us.

Sorry, but applications are only open to folk with permission to work in the UK.

Want to find out more? Read about our vision and mission, and stay up to date by signing up for our newsletter.

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Jill Corbyn

Founder & Director

Jill is interested in people, collaboration, autism, sensory environments health & social care. They are skilled in facilitating workshops and enabling change in practice and working with individuals and teams to support better outcomes for individuals.

Jill established Neurodiverse Connection in 2022.



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