ABA: A Coercive Therapy


Delivered by El Dewar

Content Warning: Abuse, Child Abuse, Applied Behavioural Analysis, Electro-Shock Therapy, Dehumanisation of Autistic People, Gay Conversion Therapy, Physical Abuse, Grooming, and Coercive Control

This webinar explores the relationship between coercive control and ABA, through examining ABA’s history and current day positionality. The presentation explores issues surrounding common beliefs on ABA for Autistic people and the desire for, and damaged caused by, neuronormalisation. The latter part of the presentation focuses on the implications of compliance and control in ABA in the wider social and adult lives of Autistic people. Concluding with support methods to replace ABA, this webinar offers a Neurodivergent-affirming lens to the issues surrounding ABA outcomes and techniques with regards to coercive control.

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